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Learn exactly what to do ✅ and what NOT to do ❌ when you’re loading your string or removing a finished bracelet from the KumiKreator!
The KumiKreator includes everything you need to make up to 10 unique bracelets! Inspired by the art of Japanese Kumi bracelets (Kumihimo in Japanese means “gathered threads”), the KumiKreator makes it easy to create stylish and intricate Kumi friendship bracelets. Create one of the amazing patterns from the design book or create your own. Load the machine with the ready-to-use colorful spools and spin to create! As you turn the handle, the spools dance around the machine, magically weaving your bracelet together in minutes – it’s so cool! Finish your bracelet with a stylish clasp then stack, wrap and share your Kumi bracelets with your BFF’s! 👯
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